Q1. The following configuration commands are issued at the Ethernet 0 of a router (RouterA):
RouterA(config-if)# ip address
RouterA(config-if)# ip helper-address
Which of the following statements is correct?
A. All DHCP broadcasts from interface Ethernet 0 are forwarded to the designated server at
B. All DHCP broadcasts from interface Ethernet 0 are forwarded to the designated server at
C. All DHCP broadcasts from interface Ethernet 0 are forwarded to all servers on the subnet
D. All DHCP broadcasts from interface Ethernet 0 are forwarded to all servers on the subnet
Correct Answer: A
IP helper addresses forward a client broadcast address (such as a DHCP or DNS request) to a unicast or directed broadcast address. Helper-address is required due to the fact that routers do not forward broadcasts. By defining a helper-address, a router will be able to forward a broadcast from a client to the desired server or network. There can be more than one helper-address on a network. The helper-address must be defined on the interface that receives the original client broadcast. The command ip helper-address, defined on interface e 0 of routerA will route the broadcasts originating at that interface to network resource at
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