Top 3 CompTIA Certifications

If you are an IT Professional working in an area like Computer Security or Networking, there are lots of certifications to showcase your expertise. In this article, you will find the top 3 CompTIA® certifications that will make you a great asset to any company.

  1. CompTIA Security+™ Certification:

Comptia Security+ logo Security+ certification will give a good start in the network security field. CompTIA Security+ certification is a well recognized cert in the area of computer security. Possible job titles for the certification holders would be like:

  • Security Analyst
  • Computer Security Administrator
  • Security/IT Manager
  • CISO/CSO, Systems Administrator
  • Systems Engineer or Integrator

Due to an increase in threats to computer security, there is a high demand for information technology experts. So if you are holding this certificate, then your profile will be eye-catching for many recruiters.

  1. CompTIA A+™ Certification:

The CompTIA A+ is the most widely recognized certification in the field of computer hardware and operating systems for those beginning their career in IT. The exam is designed to certify the competency of entry-level PC computer service professionals in installing, maintaining, customizing, and operating personal computers. No pre-requisites required for CompTIA A+ certification. CompTIA A+ certification deals with computer repair, software & operating systems, home/small office network administration, information security, cloud computing, and troubleshooting of both desktops and mobile devices. Many reputed companies, including US and other government organizations recognize A+ credentials while doing selection process.

Recently, Comptia introduced performance based questions that test the hands-on skills of the individual taking the test. Check out Comptia A+ Labsim for hands-on labs experience.

  1. CompTIA Network+™ Certification:

CompTIA Network+ is a mid-level certification. This certification validates expertise in managing, maintaining, installing, troubleshooting, and configuring the basic network infrastructure. Network+ course not only gives you hands-on experience for the certification exam but also provides skills as a networking professional.  The certification has undergone, as with other certifications, several revisions. The most recent cert exam, N10-007, provides  candidates with knowledge and skills required for networking using current technology products and services.  Recent update includes the following:

1. Critical security concepts that are essential for every security practitioner
2. Important cloud computing best practices
3. Coverage of virtualization techniques in detail
4. Network resiliency concepts and techniques for network engineers

It is a very good addition on the resume of a networking engineer.

Note: is not associated with Comptia or any other organization. The views expressed are that of the author. Comptia® is a registered trademark of Comptia® organization. A+, Network+™, and Security+™ are trademarks of Comptia and duly recognized. Contact author Giri.M at giri.m[at] for feedback or suggestions. Releases Security+ Practice Tests (SY0-501) recently release Comptia Security+ practice tests for SY0-501 exam. The practice tests consist of 300+ questions with detailed answers for each question. As you all might be aware, the English version of the SY0-401 exam is retiring on 31st July 2018. Those who intend to take the older version of the cert exam need to take the test before the deadline, else they will have to take the newer exam (SY0-501). There are a few changes in the new exam compared to the old exam, and emphasis is shifting slowly towards performance based questions.

How to prepare for the new Security+ exam:

The following course of study is recommended for exam preparation:

  1. Study course material:
  2. Practice tests:
  3. (in case you are writing old exam):
  4. Exam cram material:

About Comptia Security+ Certification: The certification is awarded by Comptia after successful completion of SY0-501 exam. There are no pre-requisites for writing the exam, though it is recommended that you have at least one year of practice in administering network security in an organization.

The practice tests provide a platform for self evaluation before appearing for actual exam. The practice tests offered by provide an environment similar to that of actual exam. The features include Learn and Exam modes, day/night modes, bookmarking, reviewing wrong answers, detailed stats, etc.

Other practice tests available within Comptia stream include A+ Essentials, A+ Practical Application, Network+, and Server+. Demo versions are available for all the titles for evaluating the software before procuring full version.

You may download the software by following the link given below:

 Disclaimer: All Simulation Exams practice tests, study guides and/or material are neither sponsored by, nor endorsed by, nor affiliated with CompTIA® or any other company. All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners and duly  acknowledged. A+™, Network+™, i-Net+™, Server+™,Security+™ are registered trade marks of CompTIA®. The practice tests material is a copyright of and the same is not approved or endorsed by respective certifying bodies. Thank-you for your interest in Simulation Exams. 

Comptia Releases New Security+ exam…

Comptia® recently released revised Security+® exam, SY0-501. The new version of CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501) emphasises on hands-on ability to both identify and mitigate security threats, attacks and vulnerabilities.

CompTIA Security+ is vendor-neutral and widely used by private and public employers and government agencies to validate essential cyber security skills for employees and/or contractors. As per the Comptia website, “On average, a test taker can expect to spend up to one-third of the 90-minute exam completing performance-based items.” So, one can expect a lot of performance based questions in the exam, and it’s almost impossible to pass the exam without having to answer the performance based questions.  As per the official website: “These items include simulations of technology solutions and story-based items that require advanced cognitive thinking on the part of the test taker,”

CompTIA Security+ is ANSI accredited and complies with the ISO/IEC 17024 standard for personnel certification programs. The certification is also approved by the U.S. Department of Defense for Directive 8140/8570.01-M

Comptia has more than two million IT certifications issued and probably stands first in the world.

The practice tests offered by simulation exams .com include Comptia Security+ practice tests. We are in the process of 501 exam practice tests and the same would be available at the earliest.

Disclaimer: is not associated with Comptia® organization. Security+® is a trademark of Comptia®.