LAAS Exam Engine For MAC OS

The exam engine module of the Anandsoft eLearn LAAS software is also compatible with MAC OS, allowing applicants to take tests from MAC PCs and laptops. You can get the MAC version of the exam engine from the Apple Store. All of the lessons are presented in this app’s content engine in a hierarchy of names, themes, and subtopics. The majority of material formats, including PDFs, audiovisuals, MS Office formats, and others, are supported. Here is a list of the attributes of the LAAS content engine module. All of the features found in the test engine’s Windows edition are also present in this app. They entail adding test modules, administering exams in learn mode or exam mode, saving results, reviewing stored results, and performing analyses.

LAAS exam engine features
Exam mode : Simulates actual exam environment in which candidate needs to answer exam created by instructor in a given time without any help from flash cards.

Learn mode : Provides interactive learning environment where candidate can go through each question and view flash cards and correct answers for each question.

Review mode : At end of every exam (learn/exam) mode you can save results for that exam for future viewing. In review mode you can view saved exams with answers selected by candidate along with correct answer and detailed explanation for each question (if provided by author).

Display features

Read modes (Day/Night modes): Exam screen display setting can be changed between Day Mode (black text on white background) and Night Mode (white text on black background) to help you read according to your convenience.

Supported Question Types

  1. Multiple choice single answer (MCQA) and Multi Answer (MCMA)
  2. Drag-n-drop (Image and Text) : Text Drag and Drop can be used for interactive Match the Following type questions, where as Image Drag and Drop allows to identify multiple components on the image provided in questions.
  3. Fill n the blank type question

Reports & Statistics

For Online Exams view Geolocation of the student taking exams.

LAAS content engine features

  1. View lessons organized into topics and subtopics.
  2. Lesson types may include Remote URL, text, html, images, document files (.doc,.docx,.xls,.ppt)
  3. Lesson types may include pdf files, video, audio, YouTube videos and many more
  4. Bookmark lessons to view later
  5. Already read lessons are highlighted.

Paper Pen Exam (PPE) Engine Features

  1. Import any number of questions papers
  2. Candidate login before exam is taken
  3. Exam monitoring with image casting, geolocation capturing and screen capturing
  4. Uploading the answer sheet after taking the exam.
  5. Viewing the corrected answer sheet from saved exam results.

Some screenshots of the app

   Mode screen Exam Screen Grade screen View Previous exam results

App can be downloaded from app store at : LAAS Exam Engine Mac OS app

Also check out this for LAAS Exam Engine for Android app

and LAAS Windows version

A+ Core 1 Practice Exams iOS app

iOS App for A+ Core 1 Practice Exam provides 350+ practice questions from latest syllabus of A+ certification exam 220-1001

Free App supports only 60 practice questions from A+ Certification 220-1001 syllabus with all the features as full app to save results and exam review.

Question types supported are

  • Multiple choice single answer
  • Multiple choice multiple answer
  • Text Drag and drop
  • Image Drag and drop

Complete explanation is provided for each question in Learn mode, and actual exam environment is simulated in Exam mode. Options to save the results and reviewing questions are provided.

Links to iOS apps:

A+ Core 1 Exam Simulator – Free App :Download Free App From App Store

A+ Core 1 Exam Simulator – Full App :Download App From App Store

Some screenshots of the App, 

Multiple choice single answer


  Drag and Drop question

  Review question


LAAS Exam Engine for MAC OS

Anandsoft eLearn LAAS software’s exam engine module is available for Mac OS too so the candidates can take exams from their MAC desktops and laptops. Exam engine is available for download from App Store.

Main features of Learning And Assessment Software

  1. Support for major question types asked in computer based exams. Also supports multimedia in questions.
  2. Set exam environment for each exam.
  3. Exam result reports include scorecards, time analysis, and topic wise analysis.
  4. Remotely proctor online exams with live image capturing, and geolocation tracking.
  5. Results can be saved to docs/pdfs or printed.
  6. Run from your own server for Enterprise edition.
  7. Customize app to use institute logo.
  8. Excellent support service.
  9. Add Remote URL, text, html, pdf, image, video, audio, multimedia, docx, excel, and ppt files as lessons.

Content engine features

  1. View any number of titles (subject/topic/subtopics) to organize lessons.
  2. View Remote URL, text, html, image files as lessons.
  3. View Microsoft document files (.doc,.docx,.xls,.ppt) as lessons.
  4. View pdf files as lessons.
  5. View video, audio, multimedia files as lessons
  6. View YouTube videos as lessons
  7. Bookmark lessons.

Exam engine features

  1. Take exam in learn mode which provides interactive learning environment where candidate can go through each question and view flash cards and correct answers for each question, Exam mode which simulates actual exam environment and candidate needs to answer exam created by instructor in a given time without any help from flash cards or, Review mode which can be used to view saved exams with answers selected by candidate along with correct answer and detailed explanation for each question.
  2. Set display features like preferred font size, light/dark theme, full screen mode according to your convenience while taking the exam.
  3. If exam administrator has allowed students can pause the exam timer, bookmark questions to visit them later
  4. At end of each exam candidate is given a score calculation, along with topic wise analysis (how much score is obtained in each topic) and time analysis (shows how much time was spent on each question) of the exam.
  5. Students can export the exam results (questions, answer options, answers selected and explanation) to a pdf document at the end of the exam
  6. All online exams can be monitored by administrator using geolocation of the student taking the exam and using image casting feature.
  7. Customize the application to display your own institute logo.

Reports & Statistics

  1. For Online Exams view Geolocation of the student taking exams.
  2. Monitor all the online exams from control panel using image casting.
  3. Record system screen for entire duration of the exam.
  4. Paper Pen Exam (PPE) Engine Features
  5. Import any number of questions papers
  6. Candidate login before exam is taken
  7. Exam monitoring with image casting, geolocation capturing and screen capturing
  8. Uploading the answer sheet after taking the exam.
  9. Viewing the corrected answer sheet from saved exam results.

Some of the screen shots of LAAS Exam Engine for MAC OS

LAAS Exam Engine and Report screen

LAAS PPE(Paper Pen Exam) Engine

LAAS Content Engine

App can be downloaded from app store at : Download Anandsoft eLearn LAAS Exam Engine Android App

Also check this for: LAAS Exam Engine for Android

CCNA Cheat Sheets, released CCNA Cheat Sheets for candidates preparing for Cisco CCNA (R). The cheat sheets consist of 50-odd pages covering majority of the exam objectives. The cram notes is organized in an easy to read manner so that students can use the same for last minute review. For thorough understanding, chapter-end scenario questions (mostly troubleshooting type) have been added.

The topics covered in the exam cram notes include TCP/IP vs. OSI model, IP v4 subnetting, binary and decimal systems, network IP address planning, routing using RIP, EIGRP, OSPF and BGP, VLANs and VTP, extended, standard, and named Access Control Lists (ACLs), cloud services, network security using firewalls, STP protocol, Site to Site, and Remote to Site secure communication, and others.

Recent update of CCNA v3 includes several new topics such as IP v6, EIGRP for IPv6, OSPF v3 for IPv6, securing site to site and remote to site communications, and troubleshooting IPv6 networks.

The cheatsheets are updated from time to time to include most recent updates to the exam syllabus. You may download the exam cram notes from the link given below:

Some of the sample topics are given below:

Also check this for:  CCNA Practice Tests

and also check this for CCNA Practice Tests with Network Simulator

Online Exam Software

The Online Exam Software also known as CBT Software combines the Author and Exam Engine modules to create centralized question database which can be populated and edited by various Authors. Exam Engine can be used by candidates to login and take exams.

Online Exam Software features include :

  • Centralized database allows multiple authors to populate a single database.
  • Configure the application to use your own server database. (Available in Enterprise version)
  • Register as an admin and Create any number of Authors and exams
  • Category wise scoring, and reporting
  • Create any number of candidates and groups/classes.
  • Import bulk questions from excel file.
  • Export exam questions along with answers selected, correct answers and explanation to a pdf file for later reviewing.

please check this for more info and downloading the software

Online Exam Software

Learning and Assessment Software

The Learning And Assessment Software combines the author engine, content engine, assessment and learning engine in to one to create centralized question database and lessons which can be populated and edited by various authors. Assessment and learning engine can be used by candidates to login and take exams, or to import the lessons and learn. LAAS also includes collab engine which uses Jitsi Collab Software to allow administrators to start a video conference meeting with all the students.

Learning and Assessment Software features include :

  • Support for major question types asked in computer based exams. Also supports multimedia in questions. Additional question types like fill in the blanks and text drag and drop are also supported.
  • Configure the application to use your own server database (available only in enterprise version)
  • Add Remote URL, text, html, pdf, image, video, audio, multimedia, docx, excel, and ppt files as lessons
  • Remotely proctor online exams with live image capturing, and geolocation tracking.
  • Take exam in learn mode which provides interactive learning environment where candidate can go through each question and view flash cards and correct answers for each question,
  • Exam mode which simulates actual exam environment and candidate needs to answer exam created by instructor in a given time without any help from flash cards or, Review mode which can be used to view saved exams with answers selected by candidate along with correct answer and detailed explanation for each question.
  • Customize the application to display your own institute logo.
  • Export exam questions along with answers selected, correct answers and explanation to a pdf file for later reviewing.

For additional details, kindly visit the website:

Learning and Assessment Software

LearnSoft – E-Learning Software released e-learning software LearnSoft with state of the art features and functionalities. The software is developed in client server based model and supports various operating systems and devices. The operating systems supported include Windows, MAC, iOS, and Android. The devices supported include desktops, laptops, tabs, and mobiles.

The software consists of the following:

1. Authoring engine: The authoring engine is where content developers input all the content including exams, and course material. Various types of content is supported, including text, pdf, open office formats, and MS office formats. The engine also supports audio, video, and multimedia content, including YouTube video content.

2. Exam Engine: This is responsible for proper delivery of tests over the network. All standard features are supported, and some special features include remote monitoring, screen capture, geo location sensing, and detailed score reports.

3. Content Delivery engine: The content delivery engine is responsible for delivery of content is desired format. The supported formats include test, rich text, pdf, Open Office formats, MS Office formats, YouTube video formats, and multimedia formats.

The software may be downloaded by going to the product page at

LearnSoft – e-Learning Software page.

For any queries, please email us at info(at)


JNCIA-Junos JN0-104 Practice Test Android App

Android app for JNCIA-Junos exam simulator provides 250+ practice questions from latest syllabus of JNCIA-Junos exam JN0-104

Free App supports only 60 practice questions from latest JNCIA-Junos Certification syllabus with all the features as full app to save results and exam review.

Question types supported are

    • Multiple choice single answer
    • Multiple choice multiple answer
    • Exhibit Type

Complete explanation is provided for each question in Learn mode, and actual exam environment is simulated in Exam mode. Options to save the results and reviewing questions are provided.

Links to android apps:

JNCIA-Junos Exam Simulator – Free App : Download Free App From Play Store

JNCIA-Junos Exam Simulator – Full App : Download App From Play Store

Also check this for  JNCIA-Junos Exam Simulator windows version

Some screenshots of the App


Login screen                                     Mode screen


Exam screen                             Flash card


Review questions               Notes screen


Cram Notes for JNCIA-Juniper (JN0-104)

Exam Guides CCNA, CCNP A+

Juniper JNCIA-Junos is the entry-level certification that focused mainly on people with basic experience with Junos OS and understands the basics of networking, routing and switching. To obtain JNCIA-Junos certification, candidates need to pass the JN0–104 exam which consists of 65 Multiple Choice Questions and takes 90 minutes to complete.
ExamGuides is one of the best-known sites, here you can find the exam cram notes for a quick review of concepts and JNCIA practice exams includes multiple-choice, Drag-n-Drop based sample questions that simulate juniper JN0–104 certification actual test. Below is a list of JNCIA exam study online notes.

    1. Networking Fundamentals
    2. Junos OS Fundamentals
    3. User Interfaces
    4. Junos Configuration Basics
    5. Operational Monitoring and Maintenance
    6. Routing Fundamentals
    7. Routing Policy and Firewall Filters

About is the best Juniper JNCIA certification online study resource, here you can find exam cram notes primarily intended for use at the advanced stage of Juniper certification exam preparation. The guides are updated at frequent intervals based on the new objectives.

Disclaimer: is neither associated nor affiliated with Juniper® or any other company. JNCIA is trademarks of Juniper® and duly acknowledged. The Exam Cram notes material is a copyright of and the same is not approved or endorsed by respective certifying bodies.

Computer Based Test Software : Enterprise Edition

Main Features of Computer Based Test Software : Enterprise Edition

CBT Author Module

    1. Configure Author to use your own server and MySQL database. Know more
    2. Create any number of exams with any number of questions.
    3. Add and Remove any number of candidates and assign them to different groups.
    4. Assign questions to different categories or topics.
    5. Full control to configure exam parameters like number of questions per exam, exam time, pass percentage, allowed exam modes and permitted buttons.
    6. Set Exam as Online or Offline
    7. Set options like geolocation tracking and image casting monitoring for online exams.
    8. Support different question types including Multiple choice single answer and Multi Answer, image, audio and video.
    9. Preview questions to see how they are presented to candidates.
    10. Export exams for distribution.
    11. Allow multiple Authors to edit the same database.
    12. Import bulk questions from excel file.
    13. Import bulk students list from excel file.
    14. Backup/Restore your exams.
    15. Export questions to excel file format.

Screenshots of author module use to configure database

   Configuring own server

  Author Login

Create New Exam – QB

CBT Exam Engine Module

    1. Import the exams from local storage or by giving a URL
    2. Configure exam parameters like number of questions per exam, exam time, pass percentage, allowed exam modes and permitted buttons.
    3. Customize the application to display your own institute logo.
    4. Support different question types including Multiple choice single answer and Multi Answer, image, audio and video.
    5. Customize exams to select questions from some or all topics/categories
    6. Bookmark questions and review them anytime.
    7. Instant scorecard after ending the exam.
    8. Get time analysis after ending exam to see how much time was spent on each question
    9. Get Category and Sub category wise scores.
    10. Save, View and review individual exams with selected answers, correct answers and detailed explanation.
    11. For Online Exams view Geolocation of the student taking exams.
    12. Monitor all the online exams from control panel using image casting.
    13. Record system screen for entire duration of the exams..

  Exam Engine Start test Module

  Candidate Login

  Exam Modes

  Exam screen

  Grade screen shows performance of the candidate at end of the exam.

  Save Results and Review Question :

At the end of each exam candidate is given an option to save the results, which can be reviewed later.

Please visit here to download the essential software

Computer Based Test Software