SimulationExams Releases New Comptia A+ Core1 and Core2 Practice Tests for Mobile Devices


A+ Core, leading provider of practice exams and network simulators, recently released practice tests for Comptia®. A+ Core1®. and Comptia A+ Core2®. exams.  Currently, the practice tests are available for mobile devices including Android phones and Apple iOS phones. As you all might be aware, the existing exams, 220-901 and 220-902 are going to be retired by 31st July 2019 (English language version). The same are going to be replaced by 220-1001 (A+ Core 1) and 220-1002 (A+ Core 2) respectively. A few significant inclusions are Windows 10 operating system, and enhancement in virtual services such as Cloud services. Mobile devices and security have also been given more importance in recent revision. Over all, 85% of the syllabus remains to be same as that of older one.

Desktop versions of the practice tests will be released in few days and the same will be announced accordingly. The topics (objectives) covered in the new exams are given below:

Exam: A+ Core 1 (Code: 200-1001)

Passing score 675 (on a scale of 100–900)

1.0 Mobile Devices   14%
2.0 Networking        20%
3.0 Hardware            27%
4.0 Virtualization and Cloud Computing                   12%
5.0 Hardware and Network Troubleshooting          27%
Total 100%

Exam: A+ Core 2 (Code: 220-1002)

DOMAIN                                  PERCENTAGE OF EXAMINATION
1.0 Operating Systems      27%
2.0 Security                           24%
3.0 Software Troubleshooting             26%
4.0 Operational Procedures                  23%
Total 100%

Number of questions Maximum of 90
Types of questions Multiple choice and performance-based
Length of test 90 minutes
Recommended experience 12 months of experience as an IT support specialist
Passing score 700 (on a scale of 100–900)

It may be notes that the passing score for Core 1 is 675 where as that of Core 2  is 700 on a scale of 100-900.

The practice tests offered by cover all the objectives and include performance based questions.

You may download the practice tests by clicking on the links given below:

Android versions of the A+ Exam:

Apple iOS versions of the A+ Exam:

Check out the website for most recent updates and download the software.

All Simulation Exams practice tests, study guides and/or material are neither sponsored by, nor endorsed by, nor affiliated  with CompTIA® or any other company. All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners and duly  acknowledged. A+™, Network+™, i-Net+™, Server+™,Security+™ are registered trade marks of CompTIA®.

Comptia® Old A+ Exams Retiring By July 2019


As you might be knowing, Comptia® released new A+ certification exams, namely,

  • Comptia A+® Core 1 (220-1001) and
  • Comptia A+® Core 2 (220-1002)

The exams are already effective, though the older exams Comptia A+ Essentials, and Comptia A+ Practical Application will be live till July 2019. It may be noted that Comptia’s new A+ exams will have more emphasis on virtualization, cloud, and security. is in the process of releasing the practice tests for the same. Check out Comptia A+ Core1 and Comptia A+ Core2 practice tests pages for more details.

It may be noted that you cannot mix and match the new and older exams. Either you have to take both older exams (220-901 and 220-902) or you have to take both new exams (220-1001 and 220-1002). If you are already in the middle of preparation, it is recommended that you prepare for the older exams.

Good luck!

Related post: 

Disclaimer: Comptia® is a registered trademark of Comptia organization and duly acknowledged. A+ Core1 and A+ Core2 are trademarks of Comptia organization. Updates SwitchSim for Juniper JUNOS/ iOS

Share updated Switch Network Simulator (SwitchSim) for Juniper JUNOS/ Cisco iOS switches. The recent update includes the following:
1. Explanation has been added to each lab at the end
2. “show” commands have been expanded
3. Some bugs have been fixed.
The software is useful for candidates preparing for Juniper/Cisco certs like CCNA and JNCIA. The software may be download by using the following link:

The available labs may be view here:

Other software available include CCNA Network Sim, Juniper JNCIA network simulator, A+ lb sim and others. Website Update


Exam Guides CCNA, CCNP, a leading exam cram website for IT certs has been updated to provide better user experience by incorporating breadcrumbs, horizontal navigation, and search engine optimization. The website offers exam cram notes on CCNA, CCNP, Comptia A+, Network+, Juniper JNCIA, and others. The cram notes is free and useful for candidates preparing for certification exams for final review of the syllabus. Check it out!


New A+ Exams Released by Comptia, named A+ Core1 and A+ Core2


Comptia organization, a pioneer in promoting computer skills among youth in USA and worldwide, released new A+ exams on 15th Jan 2019. The exams will be replacing the current A+ exams, namely A+ Essentials exam (220-901) and A+ Practical exam (220-902). The new exams have been named as A+ Core1 (200-1001) and A+ Core2 (200-1002) and available from Jan 15th 2019.

Important features of new exams:

CompTIA A+ 220-1001 covers mobile devices, networking technology, hardware, virtualization and cloud computing and network troubleshooting.

CompTIA A+ 220-1002 covers installing and configuring operating systems, expanded security, software troubleshooting and operational procedures.

Important features of the exam: These are not much different from its predecessor except for syllabus.

  • Number of questions: Maximum of 90 questions per exam (same as 901/902)
  • Types of questions: Multiple choice questions (single and multiple response), drag and drops and performance-based (same as 901/902)
  • Duration of the exam: 90 Minutes per exam (same as 901/902)
  • Recommended experience: 9 to 12 months hands-on experience in the lab or field (same as 901/902)
  • Languages offered: English at launch​. German, Japanese, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese and Spanish in 2019  (added simplified chinese!) will be providing the A+ Core1 and A+ Core2 practice tests in due course and the subscribers will be provided with an intimation on the availability of the practice tests by newsletter.

The exam objectives for A+ Core 1 200-1001 are given under:

Sl. No.    Domain           Weightage (in percentage)

1.0  Mobile Devices 14%
2.0 Networking 20%
3.0 Hardware 27%
4.0 Virtualization and Cloud Computing 12%
5.0 Hardware and Network Troubleshooting 27%
Total 100%

As far as the syllabus is concerned, there are quite a few changes in A+ Core1. The major changes are with Mobile Devices, Virtualization and Cloud Computing. You may expect more questions targeted in these areas.

The exam objectives for A+ Core2 (200-1002) are given under:

Sl. No.    Domain           Weightage (in percentage)

1.0 Windows Operating Systems 29%
2.0 Other Operating Systems & Technologies 12%
3.0 Security 22%
4.0 Software Troubleshooting 24%
5.0 Operational Procedures 13%
Total 100%

mobile device synchronization, various methods for securing mobile devices have been covered thoroughly in the syllabus.

Note that older exams, 220-901 and 220-902 are available till July 2019 and candidates who have already in the middle of preparation can take the older exams. If you have just started the preparation or going to start, it is recommended to go for 1000 series of A+ exams. Note that mix and match is not allowed for A+ exams. That means, you can’t take for 900 series exam (say, 200-901) and one 1000 series exam (say, 200-1002) and can’t get certified. Either you have to take both 900 series exams or both 1000 series exams.

We will be adding some practice questions soon! Keep watching!

Good luck! Labsim Update

Share, leading practice tests provider, recently updated Network+ lab simulator with additional labs and fixing known bugs. The labsim offers virtual labs for hands-on practice and useful for candidates preparing for A+ and Network+ exams, offered by Comptia organization. The available labs include DNS/DHCP configuration, motherboard components identification, MB connector configurations, peripherals configuration, hardware troubleshooting, and OS installation and configurations. The software is available in both trial and full versions, and may be downloaded from the product home page given below: 

Alternatively, it is available with exam simulator, offering both labsim and examsim in the same package. For more information, please visit the product page here:

 Disclaimer: All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners and duly  acknowledged. A+™, Network+™, i-Net+™, Server+™,Security+™ are registered trade marks of CompTIA®. The practice tests material is a copyright of and the same is not approved or endorsed by respective certifying bodies. Releases CCNA Exam Cram

Share recently released CCNA exam cram conforming the latest exam objectives. The cram notes provides thorough coverage of the exam topics in a concise yet clear manner for final exam preparation. The topics covered in the exam cram include TCP/IP, subnets, IPv6, Access Lists, Routing using RIP, OSPF, BGP, and EIGRP. WAN protocols such as MLPS have been covered extensively. Check out the exam cram here:

Other exam cram notes available include CCENT Exam Cram, ICND2 Exam Cram.

SimulationExams Releases Network+® N10-007 Practice Tests


Comptia Network+, leading practice tests provider, released Network+ Practice Tests for N10-007 conforming to the latest exam objectives. The practice tests consist of 400+ questions with detailed explanation for each question. The older version of Network+ exam, N10-006 will be retiring by 31 August 2018. The newer exam objectives though not very different from the older one, includes a few new topics such as re-shuffled exam objectives, a bit of expansion on cloud computing, virtualization, and security topics. The new exam objectives are as given below:

  • Networking Concepts 23% – Includes identifying different components, network topologies, cabling, TCP/IP, IP addressing, and cloud concepts.
  • Infrastructure 18% – Includes virtualization techniques, different cabling standards, placement of networking devices, WAN technologies, and network storage technologies.
  • Network Operations 17% – 3.1 Topics include managing the network, disaster recovery concepts, scanning, monitoring and patching processes, remote access methods, identifying policies and best practices.
  • Network Security 20% – Topics include Introduction to Physical security devices, Authentication and access controls, Securing basic wireless network, Common networking attacks, Network device hardening, and Common mitigation techniques and their purpose
  • Network Troubleshooting and Tools 22% – Topics include network troubleshooting methodologies, using the appropriate tools for completing the job, Troubleshooting common wired & wireless connectivity and performance issues,  and network service issues.

Download link for Network+ N10-007:

Download link for Network+N10-006 (previous version, valid till Aug31 2018):

Another product that offers Network+ practice tests along with Network+ Labsim is also available. The product offers practice tests along with labs for hands-on practice. Check out the download link at the product page, Network+ ExamSim with Labsim

About Network+ Certification: The Network+ certification is offered by Comptia® Organization on successfully completing relevant exam. As of this writing, N10-006 (offered till Aug 31st 2018) and N10-007 are the relevant exams for Network+®. There is no basic qualification required for writing the exam, though one or two years of experience in the networking area is preferred. Other certs offered by Comptia include A+ Cert, Security+ cert, Server+ cert, Linux+ cert, etc. Please visit the official website for most up to date information.

About® practice tests: The practice tests offered by are among the best available in the area of IT certifications. Currently, practice tests for Cisco®, Comptia®, juniper®, Oracle®, CheckPoint®, and others are available.

Disclaimer: is neither associated nor affiliated with CompTIA® or any other company. A+, Network+, Server+, Security+ are trademarks of CompTIA® and duly acknowledged. The Exam Cram notes material is a copyright of and the same is not approved or endorsed by respective certifying bodies. Releases Security+ Practice Tests (SY0-501)

Share recently release Comptia Security+ practice tests for SY0-501 exam. The practice tests consist of 300+ questions with detailed answers for each question. As you all might be aware, the English version of the SY0-401 exam is retiring on 31st July 2018. Those who intend to take the older version of the cert exam need to take the test before the deadline, else they will have to take the newer exam (SY0-501). There are a few changes in the new exam compared to the old exam, and emphasis is shifting slowly towards performance based questions.

How to prepare for the new Security+ exam:

The following course of study is recommended for exam preparation:

  1. Study course material:
  2. Practice tests:
  3. (in case you are writing old exam):
  4. Exam cram material:

About Comptia Security+ Certification: The certification is awarded by Comptia after successful completion of SY0-501 exam. There are no pre-requisites for writing the exam, though it is recommended that you have at least one year of practice in administering network security in an organization.

The practice tests provide a platform for self evaluation before appearing for actual exam. The practice tests offered by provide an environment similar to that of actual exam. The features include Learn and Exam modes, day/night modes, bookmarking, reviewing wrong answers, detailed stats, etc.

Other practice tests available within Comptia stream include A+ Essentials, A+ Practical Application, Network+, and Server+. Demo versions are available for all the titles for evaluating the software before procuring full version.

You may download the software by following the link given below:

 Disclaimer: All Simulation Exams practice tests, study guides and/or material are neither sponsored by, nor endorsed by, nor affiliated with CompTIA® or any other company. All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners and duly  acknowledged. A+™, Network+™, i-Net+™, Server+™,Security+™ are registered trade marks of CompTIA®. The practice tests material is a copyright of and the same is not approved or endorsed by respective certifying bodies. Thank-you for your interest in Simulation Exams. 

Network Address Translation – Concepts and Application


Network Address Translation (NAT) is a method of mapping one IP address space into another by modifying network address information in the IP header of packets while they are in transit. i.e. Basically, for an IP packet in transit,  the IP address is changed from one to another in a pre-determined manner.

Next question would be the need to translate (or map) one IP to another. There are multiple reasons for this translation as detailed below:

  • Translation of private addresses into unique public addresses when accessing the Internet: Many organizations use private address space internal to the organization with a view of conserving the IP addresses. When a host with a private address needs to access another host across the Internet, the private address has to be mapped to a public IP address before sending the packet over the Internet. The reverse process takes place when the packet arrives from the public Internet addressed to a host withing the organization.
  • Translation of addresses when transitioning internal addresses from one address range into another: Within an organization, some times need arises that an address range is mapped to another address range for compatibility reasons. For example, Company A acquires Company B, then the former may like to map the address range of the later for policy and compatibility reasons. NAT is used under such circumstances.
  • When simple TCP load sharing is required across many IP hosts: Assume that you have an application server catering to the needs of the entire organzation and you would like to distribute the load across various such servers for faster response times, but the end-user sees only one server (IP address or host). In such cases, NAT allows you to distribute the load across several servers and and yet the users communicating to a single host.

Now that we know some of the cases where network address translation is useful, we discuss various types of NAT:

  1. Static NAT: Maps an unregistered IP address to registered IP (globally unique) addresses on one-to-one basis.
    The command, ip nat inside source static <local ip> <global ip> configures address translation for static NAT.
  2. Dynamic NAT: Maps an unregistered IP address to a registered (globally unique) IP address from a group of registered (globally unique) IP addresses dynamically. It is not necessary that a host gets the same IP address for the second time.
    The command, ip nat inside source list <access-list-number> pool <name>
    is used to map the access-list to the IP NAT pool during the configuration of Dynamic NAT.
  3. Overloading NAT:A special case of dynamic NAT that maps multiple unregistered IP addresses to a single registered (globally unique) IP address by using different port numbers.
    Dynamic NAT with overloading is also known also as PAT (Port Address Translation).
  4. Overlapping NAT: When a host on your network is assigned an IP address that is on the same subnet as another device on the Internet or external network, the result is overlapping networks.  It is possible to allow communication between two overlapping networks without having to renumber any devices by using Network Address Translation (NAT).

Below are some of key terms related to NAT which play important role in IP address Translations:

  • Inside Local Address
  • Inside Global Address
  • Outside Local Address
  • Outside Global Address

In the above term, first we break down the words Inside, Outside, Local, and Global for clarity.

  • Inside = Under control of the customer. This will reside inside the customer network .
  • Outside = Customer can’t control and reside outside the customer network.
  • Local = Private addresses and refers to the address on the inside of your network.
  • Global = Public IP addresses which are Globally routable addresses. This refers to the address on the outside of customer network.

Now we come back to the 4 key terms of NAT:

  • Inside Local Address – Private addresses that customer can control. This is the IP address assigned to an end host on the inside  network. The IP address is provided by the customer himself and is not required to be taken from IP address authority or Service provider.
  • Inside Global Address – Public addresses that the customer can control. An example is the globally routable IP address(es) ISP provides to the organization (customer). A local address can’t traverse the Internet. Therefore, it needs to be translated to a global address before entering the global Internet. A packet with local IP address (generated on the local host) and destined for another host on the public Internet, needs to be translated to a routable public IP address given by the ISP.
  • Outside Local Address – Private Addresses that are outside of customer’s control. This is the address that the inside hosts use to refer an outside host. The outside local address may be the outside host’s actual address or another translated private address from a different private address block. In other words – The IP address of an outside host as it is known to the hosts on the inside network.
  • Outside Global Address – Public addresses that are outside of customer’s control.These are Globally Routable addresses and is the public IP address assigned to the end device on the other network to communicate over internet.  For example, if an internal host is accessing Google mail server on the Internet, the address of the Google mail server would be the Outside Global address and you have no control on the IP assignment on Google mail server.

By looking at the figure above, we can interpret various addresses as below with respect to host and outside host

  • Inside Local address:
  • Inside Global address:
  • Outside Local address:
  • Outside Global address:

As you can see Inside Local and Inside Global corresponds to the customer and Outside Local and Outside Global corresponds to the outside host. Some times it would be confusing if this point is not clear during the exam.
