Network+ Practice Tests with Labsim


About Network+ certification: CompTIA Network+ topics include latest exam objectives of N10-008 certification. Networking Fundamentals, Network Implementations, Network Operations, Network Security, Network Troubleshooting. Lab Simulator provides detailed labs for candidates to get hands on experience before taking exam.

Practice Exam features include :

  1. Include 500+ highly relevant questions
  2. Flash cards
  3. Integrated Test Engine with online feedback
  4. Category wise scoring, and reporting
  5. The question types include Multiple Choice, True/False, Exhibit, Drag and Drop etc.
  6. Conforms to the latest exam objectives
  7. Instant online activation using program interface
  8. Bookmark labs, create lab profiles.
  9. Take Backup/Restore of lab progress.

Screenshot of Network+ Practice Test Exam simulator is shown below

Lab Simulator Features:

  1. Include 70+ practice Lab exercises
  2. Configure Wireless Access Point, DHCP Server, and Switches.
  3. Supports short form commands, and tab in IOS simulator.
  4. Lab manual with detailed steps for each lab exercise
  5. The demo version is limited to a fewer labs.

Several new features such as

  1. Ability to enable/disable navigation buttons
  2. Administrator login for lab profiles configuration
  3. Saving and reloading half completed labs
  4. Resetting individual and all labs to default
  5. Marking not attempted, not completed , completed labs in different color for easy identification.
  6. Bookmarking individual labs.
  7. Bookmarking all labs under selected section
  8. Take Backup/Restore of lab progress.

The screen shot below shows various labs available in the lab sim.

The demo software has all the features of the full version, but limited to a few number of labs. Full version may be activated online using the link below:

Network+ Practice Tests with Labsim

Also check this for: Security+ Certification Practice Tests and Server+ Certification Practice Tests


Computer Based Test Software Exam Engine Module


Exam Engine module allows candidates to import the exams provided by the author and then take the exams. Please view the detailed help file for Exam Engine Module to know each feature in detail.

1. Test Module Operations : CBT Software-Exam Engine allows user to add any number of Test Modules (Database created using CBT Software-Author Module). Each Test Module is treated as a separate exam and can be used independently.

    1. Adding Test Module (Local) : This section will provide a procedure to add a Test Module created using CBT Software-Author in to Exam Engine.
    2. Add Test Module (URL) : This section will provide a procedure to add Library Test Modules from a Url to Exam Engine.
    3. Updating Test Module : This option allows user to update a Test Module in Exam Engine.
    4. Removing Test Module : This option allows user to remove a Test Module in Exam Engine.

2. Taking a Test : CBT Software-Exam Engine allows candidates to take exam in different modes, save results to view later and review questions.

1. Start a Test :This section shows how to start taking an test using CBT Exam Engine.
2. Candidate Login : CBT Software-Exam Engine allows candidate to take exam using a username, results for each username can be viewed independently.
3. Modes : CBT Software-Exam Engine allows candidate to use the Test Module in two modes

    1. Learn Mode : Provides interactive learning environment where candidate can go through each question and view flash cards and correct answers for each question.
    2. Exam Mode : Simulates actual exam environment in which candidate needs to answer exam created by instructor in a given time without any help from flash cards.

4.Exam Screen : This section will describe how exactly the questions will be presented to candidate and the options available to help him take exam.

5. Question Types Supported : This section will show how various supported question types are displayed to candidate.

6. Grade Screen : This section will describe how the performance of the candidate will be shown at end of the exam.

7. Save Results and Review Question : At the end of each exam candidate is given an option to save the results, which can be reviewed later.

8.View Previous Results : This option allows candidates to view their previously saved results.

9. Customize Questions : This feature allows instructor to select specific categories (topics) for a exam. All the questions in the exam will appear only from selected categories.

10. Exam Configuration : This feature allows instructor to set configuration options (number of questions per exam, exam time, pass percentage etc), allowed exam modes (learn, exam), permitted buttons (review, pause timer, bookmarking etc)

11. Exam Properties : This feature allows instructor to set configuration options (number of questions per exam, exam time, pass percentage etc), allowed exam modes (learn, exam), permitted buttons (review, pause timer, bookmarking etc)

3. Customize CBT Exam Engine : CBT Software-Exam Engine allows to change the logos displayed while taking the exams. This can be used by institutes for displaying their own logo.

    • Customize Logo : This feature allows to add a custom logo in CBT Exam Engine.
    • Reset Logo : This feature allows to reset to default logo in CBT Exam Engine.

Download Computer Based Test Software – Exam Engine from the following link: CBT Exam Engine

Also checkout the following

Exam Engine Application Software For Mac OS

CBT Exam Engine Mac app

CBT Exam Engine Application Software For Android Mobiles

CBT Exam Engine Android app

Exam Engine Application Software For iOS Mobiles

CBT Exam Engine iOS app


Learning And Assessment Software (LAAS) Lessons Operations


Assessment engine allows user to add any number of lessons (detailed notes files arranged in subject/topic/sub topics created using LAAS author engine).

Import Lesson (Local) : This section will provide a procedure to import a lesson created using laas author engine into assessment engine.

Import Lesson (URL) : This section will provide a procedure to import lesson from a URL into assessment engine.

Updating Lesson : This option allows user to update a lesson which was imported before.

Removing Lesson : This option allows user to remove a lesson from assessment engine.

View Lesson : This option allows the user to view lessons already present in learning and assessment engine.

1. To start using a lesson select the radio button for the lesson and click on “View Lesson” button.

Next window will have two sections. Left section will list all the lessons added arranged in levels you can click on any lesson title to open lesson on right side section.

Below is a screenshot of URL type lesson.

Menu of the content engine will have options to reset all lessons to default value (not read), to clear all bookmarks and to view only bookmarked lessons.

Visit here to know more about the features and functionality supported by Learning and Assessment Software (LAAS).

Learning And Assessment Software (LAAS)

LAAS Exam Engine For Android


Anandsoft eLearn LAAS software’s exam engine module is availabe for Android phones too so the candidates can take exams from their mobile phones. Android application of exam engine is available for download from Google Play Store.

This app includes all the same features as windows version of the exam engine. Which include adding the test modules, taking exam in learn mode or exam mode, saving results, reviewing saved results and analysis. You can get a list of features of LAAS Exam Engine Module here

This app also includes content engine which presents all the lessons arranged according to titles, topics and sub topics. Most of the available content formats are supported including pdfs, audio visuals, MS office formats, and others. You can get a list of features of LAAS content engine module here

App can be downloaded from app store at : Download Anandsoft eLearn LAAS Exam Engine Android App 

Some screenshots of the LAAS exam engine android app, please click on image to enlarge:

Test and Assessment tab

Content engine tab

Jitsi collab tab

Exam Screen

Grade screen at the end of Exam

Also check out this for LAAS Exam Engine for MAC OS

and LAAS Windows version

LAAS – Paper Pen Exam Module Features


Paper Pen Exam (PPE) Engine module allows candidates to import the offline question papers provided by the author and then take the exams. Please view the detailed help file for PPE Engine Module to know each feature in detail.

1. Test Module Operations : LAAS Software-Exam Engine allows user to add any number of Offline Test Modules (Question Database created using LAAS Software-Author Module). Each Test Module is treated as a separate exam and can be used independently.

  • Import Paper (Local) : This option can be used to import question paper module created using LAAS Software-Author in to Exam Engine.
  • Import paper (URL) : This option can be used to import question paper from a URL to PPE Engine.
  • Updating paper : This option allows user to update already imported question paper module with newer version.
  • Removing Test Module : This option allows user to remove the imported test modules from exam engine.

1. To start a exam candidate needs to first login using the credentials provided by the institute/examiner.

2. All the candidate details will be presented along with option to enter the exam center name/id. Once candidate starts exam, question paper will be displayed along with exam timer.

3. Once the exam is ended, candidates are required to upload the written answer sheets. Written answer paper can be scanned using any free document scanner and the generated PDF file can be uploaded for correction.
4. Examiner can correct the answer sheets submitted by candidates and give marks for each question.

5. Once the examiner has finished correcting the answer sheets, results will be made available to candidates. Result details include marks obtained for each question, overall score.

6. Candidates can also view the corrected answer sheets.

To know all the features of Learning and Assessment Software.

Download a free trial version of the software from the product home page, Learning and Assessment Software.

A+ Core 1 Practice Exams Android/iOS/MAC


A+ Core 1 220-1001 exam simulator provides 350+ practice questions from latest syllabus of A+ certification exam 220-1001 offered by CompTIA®.

Question types supported are

1. Multiple choice single answer
2. Multiple choice multiple answer
3. Text based Drag and Drop
4. Image based Drag and Drop

Complete explanation is provided for each question in Learn mode, and actual exam environment is simulated in Exam mode. Options to save the results and reviewing questions are provided.

Please find A+ Core 1 (220-1001) Practice Exam Android app here

Some Screen Shots of A+ Core 1 (220-1001) Practice Exams Android App

A+ Core 1 220-1001 Practice Tests iOS app:

Some Screen Shots of A+ Core 1 (220-1001) Practice Exams iOS App

A+ Core 1 220-1001 Practice Tests macOS App:

Some Screen Shots of A+ Core 1 (220-1001) Practice Exams MAC

Also please check this for A+ Core1 (220-1001) Practice Exam Desktop application:

A+ Core 1 Practice Exam

A+ Core2 (220-1002) Practice Exam Desktop application

A+ Core 2 Practice Exam

CCNA 200-301 Practice Exams Android/iOS/Mac


CCNA 200-301 exam simulator provides 400+ practice questions from latest syllabus (2020 exam objectives) of CCNA certification exam 200-301 offered by Cisco. Complete explanation is provided for each question in Learn mode, and actual exam environment is simulated in Exam mode. Options to save the results and reviewing questions are provided.

Question types supported are

    1. Multiple choice single answer
    2. Multiple choice multiple answer
    3. Drag and Drop type question.
    4. Exhibit type question.

Please find CCNA 200-301 Practice Exam Android app here

CCNA Practice Exam Android app

Some Screen Shots of CCNA (200-301) Practice Exams Android App

IOS app: CCNA Practice Exam iOS app

Some Screen Shots of CCNA (200-301) Practice Exams iOS App

macOS App: CCNA Practice Exam mac OS app

Please check the following for CCNA 200-301 desktop application

CCNA Practice Exam

Network+ N10-008 Practice Exams Android Application update

Share, leading practice tests provider, updated it’s Android  app to conform to the latest Network+ practice tests exam objectives. The exam topics covered by COMPTIA Network+ are given below:

1.0 Networking Fundamentals 24%
2.0 Network Implementations 19%
3.0 Network Operations 16%
4.0 Network Security 19%
5.0 Network Troubleshooting 22%
Total 100%

You can download and install the app from the following

Network + Practice Exams Android App

Also check out the following for Network+ N10-008 Desktop application update.

Network + Practice Exams desktop application


Computer Based Test Application For Android – Exam Engine


SimExams is one of the most influencing apps which allows students to practice exams online. The SimExam application is available around the clock. One can synchronize the application in mobile, and tablets with ease. This software is rich in feature and mobile friendly to use. The registered candidate can take the exams or learn with his/her fingertips over their mobile phone, and all the records can be saved securely.

Some of the features of SimExams

  1. Different modes like (Learning mode and Exam mode)
  2. Import the exams from local storage or by giving a URL
  3. Customize the application to display your own institute logo.
  4. Configure the application as per you need
  5. The user can check the left, Wrongly answered questions and find out their week and strong points
  6. Detailed explanation notes in learn mode
  7. Get the scorecard in the graphical representation
  8. Set your time limit
  9. Customize and bookmark the questions

Check out the application here

CBT Exam Engine android app

Computer Based Test Software For iOS – Exam Engine


The online computer based exam software “SimExams” an assurance of making secured exams, one can take the exam with ease. This application is developed with synchronized performance to make user gain knowledge regarding the subject. This software is developed for DesktopAndroid, and iOS.