Sim-Ex™ Practice Exams for CCNP Support ( CIT 642-831):Practice questions

Network Troubleshooting

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Q4. Consider the output from 'show interfaces' command as given below:
1152821 packets input, 133850295 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 1015648 broadcasts, 342 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
Which of the following the most likely problem with the output given above?

A. There is no abnormality with the output.

B. The number of broadcasts are too many for the router to handle.

C. The number of giant packets can't be 0.

D. The network is experiencing excessive collisions.

Correct Answer: D


Runts: This is the number of packets that have been discarded because they are smaller than the medium's minimum packet size. For Ethernet, a packet size of less than 64 bytes is considered a runt. 
In the given example, there are 342 runts per 133+ million bytes. This is more than one runt per million bytes, which is acceptable. Therefore, it is likely that the network is experiencing excessive collisions.
Giants: This is the number of packets that have been discarded because they exceeded the maximum allowable size of the medium. For Ethernet, a packet size of more than 1518 bytes is considered a giant.

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