Q7. Match the modem AT command and response.
A. ATDT 1. Causes the modem to switch on the speaker
B. ATM0 2. Causes the modem to dial a given number in touch tone mode
C. ATM1 3. Causes the modem to dial a given number in pulse mode
D. ATDP 4. Causes the modem to switch off the speaker
A. A--1; B--4; C--2; D--3
B. A--2; B--1; C--3; D--4
C. A--2; B--1; C--4; D--3
D. A--2; B--4; C--1; D--3
Correct Answer: D
Following are some important modem commands:
1. ATDT: Instructs the modem to dial in touch tone mode
2. ATDP: Instructs the modem to dial in pulse mode
3. ATH: Instructs the modem to hang-up
4. ATM0: Turns off the modem speaker
5. ATM1: Turns on the modem speaker
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