Go to Sim-Ex™ Practice Exams for A+ Core 2
Simulationexams.com offers Sim-Ex Cram Notes for A+ Core 2 (220-1102) which is intended to help you pass the A+ Core Series exam, providing wide coverage of A+ topics and a few scenario type questions to enable you to understand the concepts.
The cram notes contains the study material in detail according to latest (2019) exam objectives.
Sim-Ex™ Practice Exams for A+ Core 2 software, complete with hundreds of practice questions with flash cards. We highly recommend that you go through the practice exams as well for thorough coverage of exam topics.
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Simulationexams.com Sim-Ex Cram Notes for A+ Core 2 covers the important information you’ll need to know to score higher on your A+ 220-1102 exam!
1. Windows Operating Systems
1.1 Installing Windows PC operating systems using appropriate methods
1.2 Features of various Microsoft operating systems
1.3 Microsoft command line tools.
1.4 Microsoft operating system features and tools
1.5 Important Windows Control Panel utilities
1.6 Configure Windows networking on a client/desktop
1.7 Common preventive maintenance procedures using appropriate OS tools.
2. Other Operating Systems & Technologies
2.1 Important features, and functionality of the Mac OS and Linux operating systems
2.2 S et up and use client-side virtualization
2.3 Basic Cloud Concepts
2.4 Basic features of mobile operating systems
2.5 Configure basic mobile device network connectivity and email
3. Computer Security
3.1 Common security threats
3.2 Common Prevention methods
3.3 Basic Windows OS security settings
3.4 Securing wireless and wired network
3.5 Implementing methods for securing mobile devices
4. Software Troubleshooting
4.1 Troubleshooting PC operating system problems with appropriate tools
4.2 Troubleshooting mobile OS and application issues
4.3 Troubleshooting mobile OS and application security issues
5. Operational Procedures
5.1 Given a scenario use appropriate safety procedures
5.2 Demonstrate proper communication techniques and professionalism
5.3 Processes for addressing prohibited content/activity, and privacy, licensing, and policy concepts
6. Appendix
6.1 Windows7 Upgrade & Other features
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